Call Number (LC) Title Results
103-En8W 10: Recovery : an endangered species newsletter. 1
103-En8W 11: RENEW report : rescuing species from extinction. 1
103-En8w 12:20 Biology of the Kaminuriak population of barren-ground caribou. 1
103-En8w 12:31 Biology of the Kaminuriak population of barren-ground caribou. 1
103-En8w 12:34 The northern interior grizzly bear Ursus arctos L. / 1
103-En8w 12:36 Biology of the Kaminuriak population of barren-ground caribou. 1
103-En8w 12:37 Wetland classification in western Canada : a guide to marshes and shallow open water wetlands in the grasslands and parklands of the Prairie Provinces / 1
103-En8w 12:38 Biology of the Kaminuriak population of barren-ground caribou. 1
103-En8w 12:45 Wolves in Canada and Alaska : their status, biology, and management : proceedings of the Wolf Symposium held in Edmonton, Alberta, 12-14 May, 1981 / 1
103-En8w 12:46 A natural history of Digges Sound / 1
103-EN8w 13:G74 Great blue heron / 1
103-EN8w 13:M68 Mountain bluebird / 1
103-EN8w 13:R 53 Richardson's ground squirrel / 1
103-EN8w 13:R56 Ring-billed gull / 1
103-EN8w 13:W45 Whistling swan / W.W.H. Gunn. 1
103-En8w 14: Canadian Wildlife Service publications = Publications - Service Canadien de la Faune. 1
103-Ex8C 9:En6 1986 Environment and development : a CIDA perspective / 1
103-Ex8C 9:En8 1987 Environment and development : the policy of the Canadian International Development Agency. 1
103-Ex8C 9:Sh3 1987 Sharing our future : Canadian international development assistance. 1
103-Ex8C 9:Su7 1985 Sustaining the forest : an ecological challenge. 1