Call Number (LC) Title Results
103-F53 5:2262 1994 A review of the status and harvests of fish, invertebrate, and marine mammal stocks in the Nunavut Settlement Area / 1
103-F53 5:2319 1995 Economic potential of the Mackenzie Delta broad whitefish exploratory fishery / 1
103-F53 5:2336 1996 A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the Gwich'in Settlement Area / 1
103-F53 5:2337 1996 A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the Sahtu Dene and Metis Settlement Area, including Great Bear Lake / 1
103-F53 5:2393 1997 A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the North Slave area, Northwest Territories / 1
103-F53 5:2394 1997 Proceedings of a workshop to examine the status, conservation and fishing practices, including mesh size, relative to the primary fishery resources of the Inuvialuit and Gwich'in, February 15-17, 1995, Inuvik, N.W.T. / 1
103-F53 5:2490 1990 Development of a fish habitat classification model for littoral areas of Severn Sound, Georgian Bay : a Great Lakes area of concern / 1
103-F53 6: Annual report for ... / 1
103-F53 7: Data from the commercial fishery for Lake Whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), on Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories.
Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences.
103-F53 7:290 Species composition and seasonal abundance of zooplankton in Lake 223, Experimental Lakes area, northwestern Ontario : before and during acidification 1974-1979 / 1
103-F53 7:674 1987 Phytoplankton data from western Baffin Bay and adjacent waters / 1
103-F53 7:734 1989 Reported harvests of narwhal, beluga and walrus in the Northwest Territories, 1948-1987 / 1
103-F53 7:779 1990 Marine ichthyoplankton data from the Canadian Beaufort Sea Shelf, July and September, 1984 / 1
103-F53 7:798 1990 Primary production in the Northern Sargasso Sea in September 1988 / 1
103-F53 7:815 Data on the anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) of Nauyuk Lake, Northwest Territories, 1974-1988 / 1
103-F53 7:816 Whole lake additions in the Experimental Lakes area, 1986-1989 / 1
103-F53 7:817 Catch, effort and biological data of fish, in particular lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), from Prelude and Prosperous lakes, Northwest Territories, 1973 and 1979 / 1
103-F53 7:828 1991 Biological data on Arctic charr from the Salmon River, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, 1979-1989 / 1
103-F53 7:849 Fishery data from the Anderson River Estuary, Northwest Territories, 1989 / 1
103-F53 7:859 1993 NOGAP B.2. 1