Call Number (LC) Title Results
103-In2.1 9:Ev6 1993 The Evolution of public governments in the North and the implications for aboriginal peoples. 1
103-In2.1 10: Information pipeline. 1
103-In2.1NA 4:2 A classification of fire effects on the microclimate of forest and tundra ecosystems : final report / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:3 Revegetation information applicable to mining sites in northern Canada / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:7 The marine ecology of Lancaster Sound and adjacent waters : an annotated bibliography / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:10 Wildlife and wildlife habitat in the Great Slave and Great Bear Lake regions, 1974-1977 / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:13 Effects of siltation on the ecology of Ya-Ya Lake, N.W.T. / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:22 Recovery of Arctic and Sub-Arctic vegetation nine summers after crude and diesel oil spills / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:23 Marine mammals of the Lancaster Sound region / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:24 Effect of crude oil on polar bears / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:27 Native land use in the Lancaster Sound area / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:30 Biological environment of eastern Lancaster Sound and western Baffin Bay : components and important processes / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:31 Reindeer at Mackenzie : a selected annotated bibliography / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:33 A Manual for eutrophication control in the subarctic / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:37 Reactions of beluga whales and narwhals to ship traffic and ice-breaking along ice edges in the eastern Canadian High Arctic, 1982-1984 / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:41 Survey of the Keewatin uranium mineralization areas with respect to natural occurrence of radionuclides in vegetation, soils and sediments / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:42 Heavy metal and organic contaminants in Arctic marine fishes / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:44 Experimental use of aerial photogrammetry to access the long term responses of bowhead whales to offshore industrial activities in the Canadian Beaufort Sea, 1984 / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:46 Chemical residues in fish and wildlife harvested in northern Canada / 1
103-In2.1NA 4:61 1989 Studies to determine whether the condition of fish from the lower Mackenzie River is related to hydrocarbon exposure / 1