Call Number (LC) Title Results
1025 WEP T226ci 1992 Technological capability in the informal sector : metal manufacturing in developing countries / 1
1025 WEP T687ad 1992 Transfer, adoption and diffusion of technology for small and cottage industries / 1
1025 WEP Un2lm Italy 1993 Unemployment and labour market flexibility. 1
1025 WEP Un2lm Spain 1994 Unemployment and labour market flexibility. 1
1031/08E State of the world's cities 2008/2009 : harmonious cities. 1
1041 Ac83 Las actitudes personales y sociales de adolescentes de Buenos Aires y de Chicago : estudio comparado / 1
1041 Ac85 Report on the activities of the Pan American Union. 1
1041 Am35 Américas. 1
1041 An77 Summary of the annual report of the Director General of the Pan American Union for the fiscal year ending. 1
1041 An78 Annual report. 1
1041 An78s Informe anual del Secretario General. 1
1041 An88ps Antologia do pensamento social e político no Brasil / 1
1041 B873 no.68 1897 The Republic of Guatemala, 1897. : Bureau of the American Republics. 1
1041 B874 Bulletin of the Pan American Union. 1
1041 B874a Bulletins of the Bureau of the American Republics. 1
1041 B874f Bulletin de l'Union panaméricaine. 1
1041 B874p Boletim da União Pan-Americana. 1
1041 B874s Boletín de la Unión Panamericana. 1
1041 C768 Contemporary art in Latin America 1
1041 C894 Cuenca del Río de la Plata; estudio para su planificación y desarrollo. : Indice anotado de los trabajos aerofotográficos y de los mapas topográficos y de recursos naturales. 1