Call Number (LC) Title Results
1042 D659 OEA/Ser.L/X/II.34 1973 Peaceful coexistence and the present state of international communist subversion in the American hemisphere : Communist penetration in the universities of the American hemisphere : studies prepared by the SCCS at its nineteenth regular meeting, 1973 / 1
1042 D659 OEA/Ser.L/X/II.36 1974 The Marxist-Leninist process in Chile : study prepared by the SCCS at its twenty first special meeting, 1974 / 1
1042 D659 OEA/SG/0.1/IV/III.1 Guide to Latin American business information sources. 1
1042 D659 Ser.A no.8 1987 Opinión consultiva OC-8/87 del 30 de enero de 1987 : el habeas corpus bajo suspension de garantias (Arts. 27.2, 25.1 y 7.6, Convencion Americana sobre Derechos Humanos) / 1
1042 D659 Ser.C Final report / 1
1042 D659 Ser.G CP/ACTA Acta de la sesión ordinaria celebrada ... / 1
1042 D659 SG/Ser.G/39 Boletín trimestral de precios internacionales de productos básicos = International commodity quarterly price bulletin. 1
1042 Ec75 P935 Primer on natural hazard management in integrated regional development planning. 1
1042 IN15 In8 Anuario interamericano de derechos humanos = Inter-American yearbook on human rights. 1
1042 IN15 R299cu Report on the situation of human rights in Cuba / 1
1042 L523 L522 Legal newsletter / 1
1042 PA15 Ep433sp Boletín informativo PAI / 1
1042 PA15 N474 News = Noticias. 1
1042 PA20 P961 no.214 1945 Scientific institutions in Latin America. 1
1042 R248nm 1972 El redescubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo : desde Colón hasta Humboldt / 1
1043 C898 M691 1982 Index to Gabriela Mistral papers on microfilm, 1912-1957. 1
1043 C898 P435 1985 Peruvian antiquities : a manual for United States Customs / 1
1043 Ec74 C919 Cultural patrimony and the tourism product : towards a mutually beneficial relationship : final report, OAS/CTRC Regional Seminar, Caribbee Beach Hotel, Hastings, Barbados, July 18-22, 1983 / 1
1043 Ec75 In8 Integrated regional development planning : guidelines and case studies from OAS experience. 1
1043 IN12 L349 Latin America's development and the Alliance for aaaaaaps. 1