Call Number (LC) Title Results
12929-6 S.rp.579 Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1971 1
12929-6 S.rp.580 Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 1
12929-6 S.rp.581 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1
12929-6 S.rp.582 Conservation and Protection of U.S. Fish Resources 1
12929-6 S.rp.583 Enhance the Effectiveness of International Fishery Conservation Programs 1
12929-6 S.rp.584 Amendments to Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 1
12929-6 S.rp.585 Further Continuing Appropriations, 1972 1
12929-6 S.rp.586 Authorizing the printing of additional copies of senate hearings entitled "War Powers Legislation" 1
12929-6 S.rp.587 Authorizing the printing for the use of the House Committee on Banking and Currency of additional copies of the subcommittee print entitled "A Primer on Money" 1
12929-6 S.rp.588 Authorizing the printing of a compilation entitled "The Joint Committee on Congressional Operations Purpose, Legislative History, Jurisdiction, and Rules" as a House document. 1
12929-6 S.rp.589 Authorizing the printing of a compilation of the eulogies on the late Justice Hugo L. Black as a House document 1
12929-6 S.rp.590 Foreign Assistance Act of 1971 1
12930 S.rp.63 Arthur Rike 1
12930 S.rp.64 Arline Loader and Maurice Loader 1
12930 S.rp.65 Nicholaos Demitrios Apostolakis 1
12930 S.rp.66 Maria Grazia Iaccarino 1
12930 S.rp.67 Chen-Pai Miao 1
12930 S.rp.68 Esther Catherine Milner 1
12930 S.rp.69 Maria Badalamenti 1
12930 S.rp.108 Placing Lt. Gen. Keith B. McCutcheon, U.S. Marine Corps, on the retired list in the grade of General 1