Call Number (LC) Title Results
13020-2 H.rp.232 Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1973 1
13020-2 H.rp.233 Tung Nut Price Supports 1
13020-2 H.rp.234 Maritime Authorization, FY74 1
13020-2 H.rp.235 Reclassification of Deputy U.S. Marshals 1
13020-2 H.rp.242 Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge 1
13020-2 H.rp.244 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 1
13020-2 H.rp.246 Census Confidentiality Mid-Decade Sample Survey Bill 1
13020-2 H.rp.247 Legal Services Corporation Act 1
13020-2 H.rp.248 Restraints on Travel to Countries or Areas Engaged in Armed Conflict with the U.S 1
13020-2 H.rp.249 Law Enforcement Assistance Amendments 1
13020-2 H.rp.254 Extending the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 1
13020-2 H.rp.255 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities 1
13020-2 H.rp.256 Authorizing Certain Programs and Activities of the Government of the District of Columbia, and For Other Purposes 1
13020-2 H.rp.257 District of Columbia Insurance Act 1
13020-2 H.rp.258 Amending the D.C. Election Law 1
13020-2 H.rp.259 Authorizing the District of Columbia Council to Regulate and Stabilize Rents in the District of Columbia 1
13020-2 H.rp.260 Foreign Service Buildings 1
13020-2 H.rp.261 Peace Corps 1
13020-2 H.rp.262 Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws 1
13020-2 H.rp.263 Amending Section 2 of the Act of June 30, 1954, as Amended, Providing for the Continuance of Civil Government for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 1