Call Number (LC) Title Results
13061-7 H.rp.1215 Amending the Act of October 27, 1972 (Public Law 92-578) 1
13061-7 H.rp.1216 Providing for consideration of H.R. 14780 1
13061-7 H.rp.1217 Providing for the consideration of S. Con. Res. 93 1
13061-7 H.rp.1218 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 9989 1
13061-7 H.rp.1219 Waiving certain points of order against the conference report on S. 386 1
13061-7 H.rp.1220 Providing for consideration of H.R. 15736 1
13061-7 H.rp.1221 Amending Chapter 5, Title 37, U.S. Code, to Provide for Continuation Pay for Physicians of the Uniformed Services in Initial Residency 1
13061-7 H.rp.1222 Extension of Certain Agricultural Programs to Guam 1
13061-7 H.rp.1223 Youth Conservation Corps 1
13061-7 H.rp.1224 Granting Additional Authority Relating to the Shipment at Government Expense of Motor Vehicles Owned by Members of the Armed Forces 1
13061-7 H.rp.1225 District of Columbia Campaign Finance Reform and Conflict of Interest Act 1
13061-7 H.rp.1226 Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 1
13061-7 H.rp.1227 Agriculture, Environmental and Consumer Protection Appropriation, 1975 1
13061-7 H.rp.1228 Providing additional copies of hearings and the final report of the Judiciary Committee on the Impeachment Inquiry 1
13061-7 H.rp.1229 Naming of Veterans' Administration Hospital at Columbia, Missouri, for Harry S. Truman 1
13061-7 H.rp.1230 Adaptive Automobile Equipment for Disabled Veterans 1
13061-7 H.rp.1231 Medical Care for Certain Members of Allied Wartime Forces 1
13061-7 H.rp.1232 Veterans' Housing Act of 1974 1
13061-7 H.rp.1233 Overseas Private Investment Corporation 1
13061-7 H.rp.1234 Extending the Period During Which the Authorized Numbers for the Grades of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel in the Air Force May be Increased 1