Call Number (LC) Title Results
13096-1 S.rp.11 Temporary Suspension of Presidential Authority to Impose Fees On, Or Otherwise Adjust, Petroleum Imports 1
13096-1 S.rp.12 Increase of Temporary Limit on Public Debt 1
13096-1 S.rp.14 To designate March 13, 1975 as "Music in Our Schools Day" 1
13096-1 S.rp.15 Authorizing the President to issue a proclamation designating March 1975 as "Youth Art Month" 1
13096-1 S.rp.16 Forest Pest Control 1
13096-1 S.rp.17 Funds for study of U.S. foreign policy 1
13096-1 S.rp.18 Concurrent resolution relating to establishment of the Naval and Marine Museum in Charleston, S.C 1
13096-1 S.rp.19 Senate delegations responding to invitations from foreign governments 1
13096-1 S.rp.20 Amending Section 2 of the Act of June 30, 1954 as Amended, Providing for the Continuance of Civil Government for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 1
13096-1 S.rp.21 Further Urgent Supplemental Appropriations, 1975 1
13096-1 S.rp.22 Interparliamentary activities and reception of foreign officials 1
13096-1 S.rp.23 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority 1
13096-1 S.rp.24 Budget Rescission Bill 1
13096-1 S.rp.25 Further Continuing Appropriations, 1975 1
13096-1 S.rp.26 Standby Energy Authorities Act 1
13096-1 S.rp.28 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1975 1
13096-1 S.rp.30 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority 1
13096-1 S.rp.32 Petroleum Price Increase Limitation Act of 1975 1
13096-1 S.rp.33 Medical Device Amendments of 1975 1
13096-1 S.rp.34 Redesignating Nov. 11 of Each Year As "Veterans Day" and to Make Such Day a Legal Public Holiday 1