Call Number (LC) Title Results
13096-5 S.rp.296 Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975 1
13096-5 S.rp.298 Authorizing the Smithsonian Institution to Plan Museum Support Facilities 1
13096-5 S.rp.299 Amending the National Portrait Gallery Act to Redefine "Portraiture." 1
13096-5 S.rp.300 Temporarily suspending rule IV of the Rules for the Regulation of the Senate Wing of the U.S. Capitol to permit a photograph of the Senate in session 1
13096-5 S.rp.301 Reserving a Site for the Use of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13096-5 S.rp.302 Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the House hearing entitled "Nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller to be Vice President of the U.S." 1
13096-5 S.rp.303 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.304 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.305 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Armed Services for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.306 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.307 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on the Budget for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.308 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Commerce for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.309 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committees on Government Operations and Commerce for a joint study of the purpose and current effectiveness of certain Federal and State agencies 1
13096-5 S.rp.310 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committees on Government Operations and Commerce for a joint study of the purpose and current effectiveness of certain Federal and State agencies 1
13096-5 S.rp.311 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Finance for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.312 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Foreign Relations for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.314 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.316 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.317 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service for inquiries and investigations 1
13096-5 S.rp.318 Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Public Works for inquiries and investigations 1