Call Number (LC) Title Results
13099-10 H.rp.747 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority 1
13099-10 H.rp.748 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.749 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.750 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.751 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.752 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.753 Consideration of the conference report on the bill H.R. 5559 1
13099-10 H.rp.754 Consideration of H.R. 7897 1
13099-10 H.rp.755 Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1975 1
13099-10 H.rp.756 Providing for the appointment of a special counsel to represent the House and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce in certain judicial proceedings 1
13099-10 H.rp.757 Consideration of H.R. 9464 1
13099-10 H.rp.758 Consideration of conference reports and motions to suspend the rules 1
13099-10 H.rp.759 Relating to an Election Contest in the Tenth Congressional District of the State of Illinois 1
13099-10 H.rp.760 Relating to an Election Contest in the First Congressional District of the State of Maine 1
13099-10 H.rp.761 Relating to an Election Contest in the Fortieth Congressional District of the State of California 1
13099-10 H.rp.762 Relating to an Election Contest in the Twenty-First Congressional District of the State of Ohio 1
13099-10 H.rp.763 Relating to an Election Contest in the Third Congressional District of the State of Nebraska 1
13099-10 H.rp.764 Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act Amendments of 1975 1
13099-10 H.rp.765 Consideration of reports from the Committee on Rules 1
13099-10 H.rp.766 Amending the rules of the House of Representatives to provide that the House may not consider any report of a committee, bill, resolution, or a report of a Committee of Conference unless copies or reproductions have been available to members on the floor at least 2 hours before such consideration 1