Call Number (LC) Title Results
13099-10 H.rp.750 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.751 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.752 Resolution Disapproving Deferral of Budget Authority (Environmental Protection Agency) 1
13099-10 H.rp.753 Consideration of the conference report on the bill H.R. 5559 1
13099-10 H.rp.754 Consideration of H.R. 7897 1
13099-10 H.rp.755 Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1975 1
13099-10 H.rp.756 Providing for the appointment of a special counsel to represent the House and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce in certain judicial proceedings 1
13099-10 H.rp.757 Consideration of H.R. 9464 1
13099-10 H.rp.758 Consideration of conference reports and motions to suspend the rules 1
13099-10 H.rp.759 Relating to an Election Contest in the Tenth Congressional District of the State of Illinois 1
13099-10 H.rp.760 Relating to an Election Contest in the First Congressional District of the State of Maine 1
13099-10 H.rp.761 Relating to an Election Contest in the Fortieth Congressional District of the State of California 1
13099-10 H.rp.762 Relating to an Election Contest in the Twenty-First Congressional District of the State of Ohio 1
13099-10 H.rp.763 Relating to an Election Contest in the Third Congressional District of the State of Nebraska 1
13099-10 H.rp.764 Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act Amendments of 1975 1
13099-10 H.rp.765 Consideration of reports from the Committee on Rules 1
13099-10 H.rp.766 Amending the rules of the House of Representatives to provide that the House may not consider any report of a committee, bill, resolution, or a report of a Committee of Conference unless copies or reproductions have been available to members on the floor at least 2 hours before such consideration 1
13099-10 H.rp.767 Providing for meetings of the House on Tuesdays and Fridays, authority to receive messages and sign enrollments, authority to declare recesses, and authority to call up resolutions from the Committee on Rules without a two-thirds vote for the remainder of the 1st Session, 94th Congress 1
13099-10 H.rp.768 Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1975 1
13099-10 H.rp.769 Real Estate Settlement Procedures 1