Call Number (LC) Title Results
13099-3 H.rp.165 Authorizing the printing as a Senate document of the prayers offered by the Chaplain of the Senate, the Reverend Edward L. R. Elson, S.T.D., during the 93d Congress 1
13099-3 H.rp.166 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Assistance to the Republic of South Vietnam for 1975 1
13099-3 H.rp.167 Providing for consideration of H.R. 49 1
13099-3 H.rp.168 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4114 1
13099-3 H.rp.169 Providing for consideration of H.R. 4115 1
13099-3 H.rp.170 Providing for the Consideration of S. 1236 1
13099-3 H.rp.171/1 Emergency Health Insurance Extension Act of 1975 1
13099-3 H.rp.171/2 Emergency Health Insurance Extension Act of 1975 1
13099-3 H.rp.172 Providing for additional staff assistance for the leadership 1
13099-3 H.rp.173 Providing funds for the expenses of the Committee on House Administration to provide for the maintenance and improvement of ongoing computer services for the House of Representatives and for the investigation of additional computer services for the House of Representatives 1
13099-3 H.rp.174 Authorizing the printing of additional copies of "The Congressional Program of Economic Recovery and Energy Sufficiency" 1
13099-3 H.rp.175 Maritime Authorization, FY76 1
13099-3 H.rp.176 Conference Report on H.R. 6096 Vietnam Humanitarian Assistance and Evacuation Act of 1975. 1
13099-3 H.rp.177 Authorizing Appropriations for Tourist Travel Promotion 1
13099-3 H.rp.178 Coast Guard Authorization FY76 and Transition Period Following (July-Sept. 1976) 1
13099-3 H.rp.179 Noise Control Act Extension 1
13099-3 H.rp.180 Providing for consideration of the conference report on the bill H.R. 6096 1
13099-3 H.rp.182 Passengers on Cargo Vessels 1
13099-3 H.rp.183 Prohibition of Variable Interest Rate Mortgages by Federally Chartered Savings and Loan Associations 1
13099-3 H.rp.184 Parole Reorganization Act of 1975 1