Call Number (LC) Title Results
13099-7 H.rp.501 Consideration of H.R. 8617 1
13099-7 H.rp.502 Making Appropriations for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and for Sundry Independent Executive Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1976, and the Period Ending September 30, 1976 1
13099-7 H.rp.503 Japan-U.S. Friendship Act 1
13099-7 H.rp.504 Amending the Water Resources Planning Act to Revise the Membership of the Water Resources Council 1
13099-7 H.rp.505 Amending the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 1
13099-7 H.rp.506 Amending the Immigration and Nationality Act 1
13099-7 H.rp.507 Providing for the Establishment of a Constitution for the Virgin Islands 1
13099-7 H.rp.508 Providing for the Establishment of a Constitution for Guam 1
13099-7 H.rp.509 Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Act of 1975 1
13099-7 H.rp.510 TVA Bonding Authority 1
13099-7 H.rp.511 Temporary Postponement of Certain Staffing Requirements for Child Day Care Centers Under Social Services Program 1
13099-7 H.rp.512 Consideration of H.R. 8841 1
13099-7 H.rp.513 Consideration of H.R. 7110 1
13099-7 H.rp.514 Consideration of H.R. 5665 1
13099-7 H.rp.515 Consideration of S. 2230 1
13099-7 H.rp.516 Welcoming Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan 1
13099-8 H.rp.518 Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1975 1
13099-8 H.rp.519 Amendments to Small Business Act and Small Business Investment Act 1
13099-8 H.rp.521 Consideration of H.R. 9500 1
13099-8 H.rp.522 Waiving certain points of order against H.R. 9861 1