13099-7 H.rp.481
Providing for Repair of the Del City Aqueduct, a Feature of the Norman Federal Reclamation Project, Okla |
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13099-7 H.rp.482
Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to Engage in Feasibility Investigations of Certain Potential Water Resource Developments |
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13099-7 H.rp.483
To Authorize Certain Construction at Military Installations |
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13099-7 H.rp.484
War Claims Act Amendments |
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13099-7 H.rp.485
Emergency Rail Transportation Improvement and Employment Act of 1975 |
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13099-7 H.rp.486
Naming of Veterans' Administration hospital at Loma Linda, California, for Jerry L. Pettis |
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13099-7 H.rp.487
Veterans Readjustment Assistance Amendments of 1975 |
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13099-7 H.rp.488
Authorizing Appropriations for FY76 and the Period Beginning July 1, 1976, Ending Sept. 30, 1976, for Military Procurement, R&D, Active Duty, Reserve, and Civilian Personnel Strength Levels, and Military Training Student Loads |
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13099-7 H.rp.489
Consideration of H.R. 1287 |
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13099-7 H.rp.490
Consideration of H.R. 5397 |
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13099-7 H.rp.491
Consideration of H.R. 6227 |
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13099-7 H.rp.492
Consideration of H.R. 7222 |
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13099-7 H.rp.493
Consideration of H.R. 8603 |
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13099-7 H.rp.494
Consideration of S. 584 |
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13099-7 H.rp.495
State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1976 |
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13099-7 H.rp.496
Budget Rescission Bill, FY76 |
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13099-7 H.rp.497
Extension and Amendment of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as Amended |
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13099-7 H.rp.498
Heart, Lung and Blood Research, Research Training, and Genetic Diseases Amendments of 1975 |
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13099-7 H.rp.499
Antitrust Parens Patriae Act |
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13099-7 H.rp.500
To Authorize Appropriations for the Board for International Broadcasting for FY76; and to Promote Improved Relations Between the U.S., Greece, and Turkey, to Assist in the Solution of the Refugee Problem on Cyprus, and to Otherwise Strengthen the North Atlantic Alliance |
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