Call Number (LC) Title Results
13099-9 H.rp.648 Amendments to the Price-Anderson Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended, to Provide for the Phaseout of Governmental Indemnity, and Related Matters 1
13099-9 H.rp.649 Overseas Citizens Voting Rights Act of 1975 1
13099-9 H.rp.650 Consideration of H.R. 7863 1
13099-9 H.rp.651 Consideration of H.R. 10031 1
13099-9 H.rp.652 Consideration of H.R. 10585 1
13099-9 H.rp.654 Occupational Safety and Health Act Amendments 1
13099-9 H.rp.655 Military Construction Appropriations for FY76 1
13099-9 H.rp.656 Forest Service Roads 1
13099-9 H.rp.657 Alaska Highway 1
13099-9 H.rp.660 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY76 1
13099-9 H.rp.661 Lighthouse Service Widows Benefits 1
13099-9 H.rp.662 Federal Assistance to State Boating Safety Programs 1
13099-9 H.rp.663 Lighthouse Service Retired Pay 1
13099-9 H.rp.664 Education of Handicapped Children 1
13099-9 H.rp.665 Consideration of H.R. 10481 1
13099-9 H.rp.666 Consideration of S. 2667 1
13099-9 H.rp.667 Real Estate Settlement Procedures 1
13099-9 H.rp.668 Extension of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1
13099-9 H.rp.669 Voter Registration Act 1
13099-9 H.rp.670 Older Americans Amendments of 1975 1