13130-1 S.rp.592
Assistance in Meeting Federal Child Care Standards |
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13130-1 S.rp.593
National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act Amendments |
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13130-1 S.rp.594
Wetlands Loan Extension Act of 1976 |
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13130-1 S.rp.595
Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 |
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13130-1 S.rp.596
Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the U.S.A |
1 |
13130-1 S.rp.598
Authorizing the printing of the report of the proceedings of the 47th biennial meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf as a Senate document |
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13130-1 S.rp.599
Increasing the limitation on expenditures by the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences for the procurement of consultants |
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13130-1 S.rp.600
Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Rules and Administration for inquiries and investigations |
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13130-1 S.rp.601
Authorizing supplemental expenditures by the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities for an inquiry and investigation relating to intelligence activities carried out by or on behalf of the federal government |
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13130-1 S.rp.602
Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the open hearings and the final report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities |
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13130-1 S.rp.603
Funds for Study of U.S. foreign policy |
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13130-1 S.rp.604
Authorizing additional expenditures by the Committee on Veterans' Affairs for inquiries and investigations |
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13130-1 S.rp.605
International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976 |
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13130-1 S.rp.617
Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1976 |
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13130-1 S.rp.618
Amending Title 18 and Title 39 of the U.S. Code to Make Parallel the Exemption from Lottery Prohibitions Granted to Newspapers and Radio and Television |
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13130-1 S.rp.619
Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Retired Territorial Judges |
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13130-1 S.rp.620
Indian Crimes Act of 1975 |
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13130-1 S.rp.621
Continuation of the Farmer Elected Community Committeeman System |
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13130-1 S.rp.622
National Policy, Organization, and Priorities for Science, Engineering, and Technology Act of 1976 |
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13130-1 S.rp.623
Energy Conservation in Buildings Act of 1976 |
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