13130-8 S.rp.1019
Issuing and Administering Commercial Outdoor Recreation Permits on Public Domain National Forest Lands |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1020
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1021
Authorizing the Virgin Islands to Issue Revenue Bonds |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1022
Farmer to Consumer Direct Marketing Act of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1023
Cotton Research and Promotion Program |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1024
Waiver under section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of H.R. 11009 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1027
Providing for the Study of Certain Lands in Montana to Determine Their Suitability as Wilderness |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1028
Waiver under section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of H.R. 8603 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1029
Bureau of Indian Affairs Revised Retirement Benefits Amendments of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1030
Civil Service Annuities and Reemployment Pay Amendments of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1031
Corrupt Overseas Payments by U.S. Business Enterprises |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1032/1
Designating Certain Lands as Wilderness |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1033
Virgin Islands Constitution |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1034
Guam Constitution |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1035
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1036
Negotiation of Voluntary Restraints on Palm Oil Imports |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1040
State-Federal Meat and Poultry Inspection Amendments |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1041
Authorizing the payment out of the contingent fund of the Senate of the expenses incurred by Senator Proxmire in defending a civil action brought against him |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1042
Sioux Black Hills, and Wichita Tribal Claims |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1043
Automotive Transport Research and Development Act of 1976 |
1 |