13130-7 S.rp.996
Judicial Review of Agency Action |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.997
Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1977 |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.999
Equitable Allocation of Oil to Northern Tier Region |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.1000
Resolution to Disapprove Energy Action Numbered 3 (Exemption of No. 2 Heating Oil and No. 2-D Diesel Fuel From Mandatory Price and Allocation Regulations) |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.1001
Energy Action Numbered 4 (Exemption of Middle Distillates Other Than No. 2 Heating Oil and No. 2-D Diesel Fuel From Mandatory Price and Allocation Regulations) |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.1002
Designating the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Mount Baker-Snoqualmie and Wenatchee National Forests, in the State of Washington |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.1003
Restoring Posthumously Full Rights of Citizenship to Eugene Victor Debs |
1 |
13130-7 S.rp.1004
Authorizing Appropriations for FY77 for Military Procurement, Research and Development, Active Duty Reserve, and Civilian Personnel Strength Levels, Military Training Student Loads |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1005/1
Petroleum Industry Competition Act of 1976, Part 1 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1005/2
Petroleum Industry Competition Act of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1008
Nuclear Career Incentive Act of 1975 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1009
Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1977 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1011
Civil Rights Attorneys' Fees Awards Act |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1012
Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the booklet entitled "The Senate Chamber, 1810-1859" |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1013
Negotiated Shipbuilding Contracting Act of 1976 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1014
Increase of Temporary Limit on Public Debt |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1015
Financial Planning, Reporting and Control Systems for the Government of D.C |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1016
Press Freedom at the Olympics |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1017
Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1977 |
1 |
13130-8 S.rp.1018
Status of the Baltic Nations |
1 |