Call Number (LC) Title Results
13130-8 S.rp.1045 Competition Improvements Act of 1976 1
13130-8 S.rp.1046 Department of Defense Appropriation Bill, 1977 1
13130-9 S.rp.1047 Cosmetic Safety Amendments of 1976 1
13130-9 S.rp.1048 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976 1
13130-9 S.rp.1050 Waiver under section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of H.R. 13359 1
13130-9 S.rp.1052 National Neighborhood Policy Act 1
13130-9 S.rp.1053 Amending the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970 1
13130-9 S.rp.1054 Coast Guard Authorization for FY77 1
13130-9 S.rp.1055 Octane Disclosure Act of 1976 1
13130-9 S.rp.1056 Maritime Appropriations Authorization Act of FY77 1
13130-9 S.rp.1057 Waiver of section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of H.R. 10339 1
13130-9 S.rp.1059 D.C. Code 1
13130-9 S.rp.1062 Authorizing the printing of the committee print entitled "Corporate Ownership and Control" as a Senate document 1
13130-9 S.rp.1063 Authorizing the printing of the committee print entitled "Institutional Investors' Common Stock" as a Senate document 1
13130-9 S.rp.1064 Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the committee print entitled "Congressional Budget Reform" 1
13130-9 S.rp.1065 Protection of Livestock Producers 1
13130-9 S.rp.1119 Energy Conservation and Production Act 1
13130-9 S.rp.1120 Preserving the Tule Elk Population in California 1
13130-9 S.rp.1121 Amending Sections 2734a(a) and 2734b(a) of Title 10, U.S. Code, To Provide For Settlement, Under International Agreements, of Certain Claims Incident to the Noncombat Activities of the Armed Forces 1
13130-9 S.rp.1122 Authorizing Construction of Oroville-Tonasket Unit Extension, Chief Joseph Dam Project, Washington 1