Call Number (LC) Title Results
13134-4 H.rp.1043 Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, As Amended 1
13134-4 H.rp.1044 Beef Research and Information Act 1
13134-4 H.rp.1045 Civil Service Annuity Payments to Judges and Justices of the U.S 1
13134-4 H.rp.1046 Science and Technology Policy 1
13134-4 H.rp.1047 Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act Authorization, FY77 1
13134-5 H.rp.1048 National Sea Grant College and Program Act Amendments 1
13134-5 H.rp.1049 Use of Exchange Funds to Escape Income Taxes on Realized Capital Gains 1
13134-5 H.rp.1050 Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Amendments of 1976 1
13134-5 H.rp.1051 Nuclear Proliferation Future U.S. Foreign Policy Implications. 1
13134-5 H.rp.1052 Permitting all Committees of the House to sit during the 5-Minute Rule until May 16, 1976 1
13134-5 H.rp.1053 Administration of Fish and Wildlife Programs 1
13134-5 H.rp.1054 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 8410 1
13134-5 H.rp.1055 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 9043 1
13134-5 H.rp.1056 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 12384 1
13134-5 H.rp.1057 Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1976 1
13134-5 H.rp.1060 Exemption from Duty of Certain Components and Materials Installed in Aircraft Previously Exported from the U.S 1
13134-5 H.rp.1061 Duty-Free Treatment of Certain Aircraft Engines 1
13134-5 H.rp.1062 Duty-Free Importation of Loose Glass Prisms Used in Chandeliers and Wall Brackets 1
13134-5 H.rp.1063 Continuation of Temporary Suspension of Duty on Certain Horses 1
13134-5 H.rp.1064 Temporary Reduction of Duty on Levulose 1