Call Number (LC) Title Results
13168-6 S.rp.332 Omnibus Territories Bill 1
13168-6 S.rp.333 Amending Section 14(e) of the National Forest Management Act Concerning Collusive Bidding Practices in National Forest Timber Sales 1
13168-6 S.rp.334 Extension of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1
13168-7 S.rp.335 Waiver of section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of S. 1811 1
13168-7 S.rp.336 Black Lung Benefits Revenue Act of 1977 1
13168-7 S.rp.337 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 1
13168-7 S.rp.338 Legislative Branch Appropriations, 1978 1
13168-7 S.rp.339 Amending Title 18, U.S. Code, to Make a Crime the Willful Destruction of Any Interstate Pipeline System 1
13168-7 S.rp.340 Destruction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 1
13168-7 S.rp.341 Waiver of section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of S.926 1
13168-7 S.rp.342 Increase in Credit for Contributions to Candidates for the U.S. Senate 1
13168-7 S.rp.344 Magistrate Act of 1977 1
13168-7 S.rp.345 Waiver of section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of S. 1678 1
13168-7 S.rp.346 Incorporating Additional Areas and Portions of Streets into the U.S. Capitol Grounds 1
13168-7 S.rp.347 Providing for the Acceptance of a Statue of the Late Senator Ernest Gruening for the National Statuary Hall Collection 1
13168-7 S.rp.348 Authorizing the printing of additional copies of the committee print entitled "Protective Services for the Elderly" 1
13168-7 S.rp.349 Amending the Public Health Service Act 1
13168-7 S.rp.351 Educational and Health Care Facilities Energy Efficiency Act of 1977 1
13168-7 S.rp.352 Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1978 1
13168-7 S.rp.353 Amending Public Health Service Act, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 1