Call Number (LC) Title Results
13168-8 S.rp.440 Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1977 1
13168-9 S.rp.441 Waiver of section 303(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of S. 2055 1
13168-9 S.rp.442 Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1977 1
13168-9 S.rp.443 Transportation as a Remedy in School Desegregation 1
13168-9 S.rp.444 Controlled Substances Act Extension 1
13168-9 S.rp.445 Pueblos Land Transfer Bill 1
13168-9 S.rp.446 Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1977 1
13168-9 S.rp.447 Waiver of section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act with respect to consideration of S. 1682 1
13168-9 S.rp.448 Financial Disclosure Under Senate Rule 42 1
13168-9 S.rp.449 Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 1
13168-9 S.rp.450 Tax and Loan Accounts 1
13168-9 S.rp.451 Extending the Supervision of the U.S. Capitol Police to Certain Facilities Leased by the Office of Technology Assessment 1
13168-9 S.rp.452 Authorizing supplemental expenditures by the Committee on Rules and Administration 1
13168-9 S.rp.453 Medicare-Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Amendments of 1977 1
13168-9 S.rp.454 Funding for the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways 1
13168-9 S.rp.455 Authorizing Appropriations During FY78 for Procurement of Aircraft and Missiles, and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation for the Armed Forces 1
13168-9 S.rp.456 Extension and Waiver Provisions Related to Social Services, Medicaid, Aid to Families with Dependent Children Programs 1
13168-9 S.rp.458 World Assembly on Aging and World Year on Aging 1
13168-9 S.rp.459 Increased funding for the reception of foreign dignitaries 1
13168-9 S.rp.460 Ak-Chin Water Settlement and Emergency Supply 1