Call Number (LC) Title Results
13302 H.rp.567 Temporary Suspension of Duty on Pillow Blanks of Latex Foam Rubber 1
13302 H.rp.568 Child Health Assurance Act of 1979 1
13302 H.rp.569 Miscellaneous Tariff Schedules Amendments 1
13302 H.rp.570 Providing for the Establishment of the Legionville National Historic Site in the State of Pennsylvania 1
13302 H.rp.571 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4985 1
13302 H.rp.572 Term of the Federal Reserve Board Chairman 1
13302 H.rp.573 Providing for the further expenses of investigations and studies to be conducted by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence 1
13302 H.rp.574 National Archives Film-Vault Fire, Suitland, Maryland, Dec. 7, 1978 1
13302 H.rp.575 Expressing the Sense of the Congress With Respect to the Baltic States and With Respect to Soviet Claims of Citizenship Over Certain U.S. Citizens 1
13302 H.rp.576 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2603 1
13302 H.rp.577 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2608 1
13302 H.rp.578 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3994 1
13302 H.rp.579 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2063 1
13302 H.rp.580 Failure To Provide Effective Audits of Federal Grants 1
13302 H.rp.581 Chief and Certain Other Personnel of the Capitol Police 1
13302 H.rp.582 Second Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, FY80 1
13302 H.rp.583 Milwaukee Railroad Restructuring Act 1
13302 H.rp.584 D.C. Retirement Reform Act 1
13302 H.rp.585 Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1979 1
13302 H.rp.586 Energy Conservation Within the Federal Government The Department of Energy's Record. 1