Call Number (LC) Title Results
13404 S.rp.302 Delinquent Payments Act of 1981 1
13404 S.rp.303 Small Business Motor Fuel Marketer Preservation Act of 1981 1
13404 S.rp.304 Consenting to an Extension and Renewal of the Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil and Gas 1
13404 S.rp.305 Regulatory Reform Act 1
13404 S.rp.306 Former Members of Congress 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.1 Consideration of Caspar W. Weinberger To Be Secretary of Defense 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.2 Consideration of Frank C. Carlucci To Be Deputy Secretary of Defense 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.3 Nomination of Raymond J. Donovan, of New Jersey, To Be Secretary of Labor 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.4 Nomination of William P. Clark 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.5 Maritime Boundary Settlement Treaty With Canada 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.6 Nomination of Thomas Pauken 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.7 Nomination of Myer Rashish 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.8 Nomination of Chester A. Crocker 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.9 Nomination of James L. Malone 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.10 Nomination of John H. Holdridge 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.11 Supplemental Material for Nomination of James L. Malone 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.12 1980 Protocol Amending Interim Convention on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.13 Withdrawal of U.S.-Canadian Fishery Agreement 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.14 Consular Convention with the People's Republic of China 1
13406 Exec.Rpt.15 Treaty with Canada on Pacific Coast Albacore Tuna Vessels and Port Privileges 1