Call Number (LC) Title Results
13610 S.doc.8 Supplemental Appropriations, FY85, Communication from the President 1
13610 S.doc.9 Temporary Transfer of Power, Message from the President 1
13610 S.doc.10 Supplemental Appropriations, Communication from the President 1
13610 S.doc.11 Superpowers at a Crossroads Soviet-American Relations in the Autumn of 1985. 1
13610 S.doc.12 Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program 1
13610 S.doc.13 Standing Rules of the Senate, And Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, As Amended 1
13614 S.doc.19 U.S. Senate, 1787-1801, A Dissertation on the First Fourteen Years of the Upper Legislative Body 1
13614 S.doc.20 Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary Group, May 17-20, 1985 1
13616 S.rp.1 Oversight Activities of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 1
13616 S.rp.2 Interstate Highway Funding Act of 1985 1
13616 S.rp.3 Apportioning Interstate Highway Funds 1
13616 S.rp.4 African Famine Relief and Recovery Act of 1985 1
13616 S.rp.5/1 Developments in Aging 1984, Vol. 1. 1
13616 S.rp.5/2 Developments in Aging 1984 Vol. 2 -- Appendixes. 1
13616 S.rp.6 History, Jurisdiction, and Summary of Legislative Activities of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources During the 98th Congress 1
13616 S.rp.7 Section 2901 Rescission Bill, 1985 1
13616 S.rp.8 Urgent Supplemental Appropriations for Emergency Famine Relief and Recovery in Africa 1
13616 S.rp.9 Report on the Activities of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation 1
13616 S.rp.10 Legislative Activities Report of the Committee of Foreign Relations 1
13616 S.rp.11 Superfund Improvement Act of 1985 1