13674 S.rp.288
Prohibiting the Sale to Saudi Arabia of Certain Defense Articles and Related Defense Services |
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13674 S.rp.289
First Monetary Policy Report for 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.290
Education of the Deaf Act of 1985 |
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13674 S.rp.291
Futures Trading Act of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.292
Amending Title 10, U.S. Code, To Establish a Revised Retirement System for New Members of the Uniformed Services, To Revise the Method of Determining Cost of Living Adjustments Under the Revised Retirement System, And for Other Purposes |
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13674 S.rp.293
Prohibiting the Sale of Integrated Avionics System Kits to the People's Republic of China |
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13674 S.rp.294
Risk Retention Amendments of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.295
Unfair Foreign Competition Act of 1985 |
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13674 S.rp.296
Higher Education Amendments of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.297
Family Planning Amendments of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.298
Adolescent Family Life Act of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.299
Operating Rights at Congested Domestic Airports |
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13674 S.rp.300
Department of Defense Supplemental Authorization Act, 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.301
Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.302
Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.303
Extension of the Manufacturing Clause |
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13674 S.rp.304
Diplomatic Security and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.305
Patent and Trademark Office Authorization |
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13674 S.rp.306
Alternatives to Hospitalization for Medical Technology Dependent Children Act of 1986 |
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13674 S.rp.307
Authorizing Appropriations for FY87 for Intelligence Activities of the U.S. Government, the Intelligence Community Staff, the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System (CIARDS) |
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