13861 S.rp.388
Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13861 S.rp.389
Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13862 S.rp.390
Release of Airport Restrictions at Newport News, VA |
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13862 S.rp.391
Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988 |
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13862 S.rp.392
Reauthorization of the Office of Government Ethics |
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13862 S.rp.393
Stewart B. M c Kinney Homeless Assistance Amendments of 1988 |
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13862 S.rp.394
Minority Business Development Program Reform Act of 1988 |
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13862 S.rp.395
Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13862 S.rp.396
To Modernize U.S. Circulating Coin Designs, Of Which One Reverse Will Have a Theme of the Bicentennial of the Constitution |
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13862 S.rp.397
Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 |
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13862 S.rp.399
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13862 S.rp.400
National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Act |
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13862 S.rp.401
Department of Housing and Urban Development; Independent Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13862 S.rp.402
Department of Defense Appropriation Bill, 1989 |
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13863 S.rp.403
Establishment of Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge |
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13863 S.rp.404
Authorizing Appropriations for FY89 for the Intelligence Activities of the U.S. Government, the Intelligence Community Staff, for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System |
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13863 S.rp.405
Asbestos in Schools Amendment Act of 1988 |
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13863 S.rp.406
Marine Research Act of 1988 |
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13863 S.rp.407
Authorization of Appropriations to the U.S. International Trade Commission, the U.S. Customs Service, and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative |
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13863 S.rp.408
National Trails System Improvements Act of 1988 |
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