Call Number (LC) Title Results
13869 H.doc.152 Budget of the U.S. Government, FY89 1
13870 H.doc.153 Budget of the U.S. Government, FY89, Appendix 1
13871 H.doc.154 Economic Report of the President 1
13871 H.doc.155 Generalized System of Preferences, Communication from the President 1
13871 H.doc.156 Status of Chile As General System of Preference Beneficiary, Communication from the President 1
13871 H.doc.157 Developments Concerning the National Emergency with Respect to Libya, Communication from the President 1
13871 H.doc.158 Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance, Communication from the President 1
13871 H.doc.159 Cumulative Reports on Rescissions and Deferrals, Jan. 1, 1988, Communication from the Director, the Office of Management and Budget 1
13871 H.doc.161 Request for Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance, Message from the President 1
13871 H.doc.162 Removal of Preferences Accorded Certain Countries, Message from the President 1
13872 H.doc.165 Cumulative Report on Rescissions and Deferrals, Communication from the Director, the Office of Management and Budget 1
13872 H.doc.166 Deferrals and Revised Deferrals of Budget Authority, Message from the President 1
13872 H.doc.167 Delaware River from Philadelphia to Wilmington, Communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) 1
13873 H.doc.169 Proposed Legislation Superconductivity Competitiveness Act of 1988, Message from the President. 1
13873 H.doc.170 Proposed Legislation Truth in Federal Spending Act of 1988, Message from the President. 1
13875 H.doc.173 Cumulative Reports on Rescissions and Deferrals, Mar. 1, 1988, Communication from the Director, the Office of Management and Budget 1
13875 H.doc.174 Request for Certain Rescissions and Repeals of Appropriations, Message from the President 1
13875 H.doc.175 Proposed Legislation Civil Rights Protection Act of 1988, Message from the President. 1
13875 H.doc.176 Supplemental Appropriations Requests, Communication from the President 1
13875 H.doc.177 Review of Deferrals, Communication from the Comptroller General 1