Call Number (LC) Title Results
13926 S.rp.135 Federal Trade Commission Act Amendments of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.136 Educational Excellence Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.137 National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.138 History, Jurisdiction, and a Summary of Activities of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources During the 100th Congress 1
13927 S.rp.139 Establishing a Joint Federal-State Commission on Policies and Programs Affecting Alaska Natives 1
13927 S.rp.140 National Voter Registration Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.141 Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.142 Extension of the Defense Production Act 1
13927 S.rp.143 National American Indian Museum Act 1
13927 S.rp.144 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1990 1
13927 S.rp.145 Amending Public Law 91-34 Relating to the Police Force of the National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13927 S.rp.146 Providing for the Reappointment of Samuel C. Johnson As a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13927 S.rp.147 Providing for the Reappointment of Jeannine Smith Clark As a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13927 S.rp.148 Providing for the Appointment of Robert James Woolsey, Jr., of Maryland, As a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13927 S.rp.149 Providing for the Appointment of Homer Alfred Neal of Michigan As a Citizen Regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1
13927 S.rp.150 Authorizing Appropriations for FY90 for the Civic Achievement Award Program in Honor of the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives 1
13927 S.rp.151 Authorizing Appropriations for FY90-FY91 for Intelligence Activities of the U.S. Government, the Intelligence Community Staff, the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System (CIARDS) 1
13927 S.rp.152 Flag Protection Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.153 Extension of the Tied Aid Credit Fund of the Export-Import Bank 1
13927 S.rp.154 Authorization of Appropriations for the Export Administration Act of 1979 1