Call Number (LC) Title Results
13927 S.rp.155 Securities Acts Amendments of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.156 Report of the Impeachment Trial Committee on the Articles Against Judge Alcee L. Hastings 1
13927 S.rp.157 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, FY90 1
13927 S.rp.158 Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 Amendments Act 1
13927 S.rp.159 Technology Administration Authorization Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.160 Antidrug, Assault Weapons Limitation Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.161 North American Wetlands Conservation Act 1
13927 S.rp.162 S.J. Res. 180 1
13927 S.rp.163 Amending Title 31 of the U.S. Code To Increase Settlement Authority and Expand Coverage Relating to Claims for Damages Resulting from Law Enforcement Activities 1
13927 S.rp.164 Report of the Impeachment Trial Committee on the Articles Against Judge Walter L. Nixon, Jr 1
13927 S.rp.165 Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.166 Chemical and Biological Weapons Control Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.167 Clarifying and Strengthening the Authority for Certain Departments of Interior Law Enforcement Services, Activities, and Officers in Indian Country 1
13927 S.rp.168 Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act of 1989 1
13927 S.rp.169 Acquisition of Controlling Interest in Air Carrier 1
13928 S.rp.170 Federal Death Penalty Act of 1989 1
13928 S.rp.171 Approving the Location of the Memorial to the Women Who Served in Vietnam 1
13928 S.rp.172 Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1989 1
13928 S.rp.173 Antiterrorism and Arms Export Amendments Act of 1989 1
13928 S.rp.174 Authorizing Appropriations for FY90 and FY91 for Intelligence Activities of the U.S. Government, the Intelligence Community Staff, the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System (CIARDS) 1