Call Number (LC) Title Results
13958 H.rp.265/1 Assistance for Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua Act of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.269 North American Wetlands Conservation Act 1
13958 H.rp.270 Making Appropriations for the Government of D.C. and Other Activities Chargeable in Whole or in Part Against the Revenues of Said District for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1990 1
13958 H.rp.271 International Development and Finance Act of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.272 Drug and Alcohol Dependent Offenders Treatment Act of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.273 Major Fraud Act Amendments of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.274 Making Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1990 1
13958 H.rp.276 Making Appropriations for the Treasury Department, the U.S. Postal Service, the Executive Office of the President, and Certain Independent Agencies, for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1990 1
13958 H.rp.277 Authorizing the Exercise of State Jurisdiction over a Portion of Indian Country Located in Comanche County, Oklahoma 1
13958 H.rp.278/1 Polish and Hungarian Democracy Initiative of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.278/2 Polish and Hungarian Democracy Initiative of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.278/3 Polish and Hungarian Democracy Initiative of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.279 Copyright Fees and Technical Amendments Act of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.280 Application of Employer Sanctions to Longshore Work 1
13958 H.rp.281/1 Amending Section 511 of the Controlled Substances Act To Make Technical, Clarifying, and Administrative Amendments 1
13958 H.rp.282 Copyright Remedy Clarification Act 1
13958 H.rp.283 Oil and Gas Farmouts Bankruptcy Amendment of 1989 1
13958 H.rp.284 Amending the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act To Study the Eligibility of the St. Marys River in the States of Florida and Georgia for Potential Addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1
13958 H.rp.286 Los Padres National Forest Wilderness Additions 1
13958 H.rp.287 Antitrust Criminal Penalties Amendments of 1989 1