Call Number (LC) Title Results
13980 S.rp.470 Solar, Wind, Waste and Geothermal Power Production Incentive Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.471 Amending Section 28(w) of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, As Amended, To Repeal the 60-Day Waiting Period for the Granting of Pipeline Rights-of-Way 1
13980 S.rp.472 Arts, Humanities, and Museums Amendments of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.473 Providing for the Protection of Native American Graves and the Repatriation of Native American Remains and Cultural Patrimony 1
13980 S.rp.474 Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1991 1
13980 S.rp.475 Appropriations Usage Restriction Act 1
13980 S.rp.476 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment and Prevention Improvement Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.477 Common Sense Budget Act 1
13980 S.rp.478 Used Oil Energy Production Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.479 Fort M c Dowell Indian Community Water Rights Settlement Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.480 Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations for FY90 for the Department of Defense 1
13980 S.rp.481 Puerto Rico Status Referendum Act 1
13980 S.rp.482 Civil Voir Dire Demonstration Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.483 Making Certain Technical and Clarifying Amendments to the Indian Self-Determination Act 1
13980 S.rp.484 Connecticut Coastal Protection Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.485 Chehalis River Basin Fishery Resources Study and Restoration Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.486 Criminal Voir Dire Demonstration Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.487 Federal Information Resources Management Act 1
13981 S.rp.488 Authorizing Demonstration Projects in Connection with Providing Health Services to Indians 1
13981 S.rp.489 Directing the Secretary of Agriculture To Convey Certain Lands to the Town of Taos, New Mexico 1