Call Number (LC) Title Results
13979 S.rp.450 Independent Safety Board Act Amendments of 1990 1
13979 S.rp.451 Amtrak Commemorative Joint Resolution 1
13979 S.rp.452 Firefighters' Safety Study Act 1
13979 S.rp.453 Occupational Safety and Health Hazards Victims' Right Act 1
13979 S.rp.454 Nondevelopmental Items Acquisition Act of 1990 1
13979 S.rp.455 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, FY91 1
13979 S.rp.456 Communications Competitiveness and Infrastructure Modernization Act of 1990 1
13979 S.rp.457 Federal Pay Reform Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.458 Stewart B. M c Kinney Homeless Assistance Amendments of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.459 National Institutes of Health Reauthorization Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.460 Money Laundering Enforcement Amendments of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.461 Fair Lending Enforcement Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.462 U.S. Capability To Monitor Soviet Compliance with the Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) and the Treaty on Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNET) 1
13980 S.rp.463 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.464 Deceptive Mailings Prevention Act of 1990 1
13980 S.rp.465 Judicial Immunity Restoration Act 1
13980 S.rp.466 Line-Item Veto 1
13980 S.rp.467 Administrative Law Judge Corps Act 1
13980 S.rp.468 Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1991 1
13980 S.rp.469 Authorizing and Directing the Secretary of the Interior To Conduct a Study of the Feasibility of Establishing a Unit of the National Park System To Interpret and Commemorate the Origins, Development, and Progression of Jazz in the U.S 1