Call Number (LC) Title Results
14020 H.rp.814/3 Pipeline Safety 1
14020 H.rp.815 Final Report of the Commission on the Bicentenary of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1990, Including a Summary of the Activities and Programs of the Office for the Bicentennial of the House of Representatives, 1983-1989 1
14020 H.rp.816 Augustus F. Hawkins Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1990 1
14020 H.rp.818/1 Chief Financial Officer Act of 1990 1
14020 H.rp.820 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, FY91 1
14020 H.rp.822 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, 1991 1
14020 H.rp.823 Octane Display and Disclosure Act of 1990 1
14020 H.rp.824 Peace Corps Entering Its Fourth Decade of Service. 1
14020 H.rp.825 Department of Justice Debt Collection So Many Intentions, So Little Money. 1
14020 H.rp.826/1 Indoor Air Quality Act of 1990 1
14020 H.rp.827 Establishing the Newberry Volcanoes National Monument in the State of Oregon 1
14020 H.rp.828 Authorizing the Establishment of the Glorieta National Battlefield in the State of New Mexico 1
14020 H.rp.829 Disclaiming All Right, Title, and Interest of the U.S. in and to Certain Private Lands Conditionally Relinquished to the U.S. Under the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 STAT. 11, 36) 1
14020 H.rp.830 Amending the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Exchange City-Owned Lands in Los Angeles, California, with Public Lands Managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada 1
14020 H.rp.831 Approving the Fort Hall Indian Water Rights Settlement 1
14020 H.rp.832 Providing for the Renegotiation of Certain Leases of the Seneca Nation 1
14020 H.rp.833 Mineral Leasing Act Amendments 1
14020 H.rp.834 Authorizing Expansion of the Saguaro National Monument 1
14020 H.rp.835 Improving the Management of Forests and Woodlands and the Production of Forest Resources on Indian Lands 1
14020 H.rp.836 Settling All Claims of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs Resulting from the Band's Omission from the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 1