Call Number (LC) Title Results
14042 S.rp.13 Resolution Trust Corporation Funding Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.14 Report to the Senate on the Jurisdiction and a Summary of Activities of the Committee on Argiculture, Nutrition, and Forestry for the 101st Congress 1
14042 S.rp.16 Persian Gulf War Veterans' Assistance Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.17 Report on the Activities of the Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. Senate During the 101st Congress 1
14042 S.rp.18 Authorizing Supplemental Appropriations for FY91 for the Department of Defense for Operation Desert Storm, To Provide Military Personnel Benefits for Members of the Armed Forces Performing Service in Connection with Operation Desert Storm 1
14042 S.rp.19 Niobrara Scenic River Designation Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.20 Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Coverage Enhancement Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.21 Taconic Mountains Protection Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.22 Futures Trading Practices Act of 1991 1
14042 S.rp.23 Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1991 1
14042 S.rp.24 Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations For the Consequences of Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation Administration, Veterans Compensation and Pensions, and Other Urgent Needs for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1991 1
14042 S.rp.25 Revised allocation to subcommittees of budget totals from the Concurrent Resolution for FY91 1
14042 S.rp.26 National Commission on a Longer School Year 1
14042 S.rp.27 1991 Joint Economic Report 1
14043 S.rp.28/1 Developments in Aging 1990, Vol. 1. 1
14043 S.rp.28/2 Developments in Aging 1990 Vol. 2: Appendixes. 1
14044 S.rp.29 Honoraria Amendments to the Ethics in Government Act 1
14044 S.rp.30 Legislative Activities Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations 1
14044 S.rp.31 Report on the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services 1
14044 S.rp.32 Legislative Review Activity 1