Call Number (LC) Title Results
14051 S.rp.212 Increasing Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes to Units of General Local Government 1
14051 S.rp.213 Preserving and Enhancing the Ability of Alaska Natives To Speak and Understand Their Native Languages 1
14051 S.rp.214 Providing That a Portion of the Income Derived from Trust or Restricted Land Held by an Individual Indian Shall Not Be Considered As a Resource or Income in Determining Eligibility for Assistance Under Any Federal or Federally Assisted Program 1
14051 S.rp.215 Product Liability Fairness Act 1
14051 S.rp.216 Making Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Transfers for Relief from the Effects of Natural Disasters, For Other Urgent Needs, and for Incremental Costs of "Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm" for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1992 1
14051 S.rp.217 Geologic Mapping Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.218 Amending the Stock Raising Homestead Act To Provide Certain Procedures for Entry onto Stock Raising Homestead Act Lands 1
14051 S.rp.219 Rail Safety Improvement Initiatives Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.220 Authorizing a Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction over Certain Land to the Secretary of the Interior 1
14051 S.rp.221 Public Telecommunications Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.222 Mimbres Culture National Monument Establishment Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.223 Investigation of Senator Alan Cranston 1
14051 S.rp.224 Judicial Immunity Restoration Act 1
14051 S.rp.225 Further revised allocation to subcommittees of budget totals from the concurrent resolution for FY92 1
14051 S.rp.226 Manufacturing Strategy Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.227 Health Professions Training and Nurse Education Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.228 Approving the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Treatment (Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) to the Products of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1
14051 S.rp.229 San Carlos Irrigation Project Divestiture Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.230 Lamprey River Study Act of 1991 1
14051 S.rp.231 Amending the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act by Designating a Segment of the Lower Merced River in California As a Component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System 1