14071 H.doc.169
Reductions in Travel and Transportation, FY92, Message from the President |
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14071 H.doc.170
Adding Bulgaria to List of Beneficiary Developing Countries, Communication from the President |
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14071 H.doc.171
Proposed New and Revised Deferrals of Budget Authority, Communication from the President |
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14071 H.doc.172
Continuation of Libyan Emergency, Communication from the President |
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14071 H.doc.173
Cumulative Report on Rescissions and Deferrals, Dec. 1, 1991, Communication from the Director, the Office of Management and Budget |
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14071 H.doc.174
Proceedings of 73 d National Convention of the American Legion |
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14071 H.doc.175
Proceedings of the 39 th Annual National Convention of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S., Inc |
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14072 H.rp.1
Providing for debate and consideration of resolutions on the situation in the Middle East |
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14072 H.rp.2
Extension of Time for Performing Certain Acts for Individuals Who Are Part of Desert Shield Operations |
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14072 H.rp.3
Providing for the establishment of the Select Committee on Hunger, the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, and the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control |
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14072 H.rp.4/1
Reports on Incremental Costs to the U.S. of the Persian Gulf Conflict and on Contributions by Foreign Countries in Response to the Conflict |
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14072 H.rp.4/2
Reports on Persian Gulf Conflict Costs and Contributions by Foreign Countries |
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14072 H.rp.5/1
Resolution of Inquiry Calling for the Submission to the House of Representatives of Certain Information Regarding Operation Desert Shield |
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14072 H.rp.5/2
Resolution Calling for the Submission to the House of Representatives of Certain Information Regarding Operation Desert Shield |
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14072 H.rp.6
Commodity Futures Improvements Act of 1991 |
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14072 H.rp.7
Defense Production Act Extension and Amendments of 1991 |
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14072 H.rp.8
Report of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs |
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14072 H.rp.9
Dire Emergency Supplemental Appropriations For the Consequences of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation Administration, Veterans Compensation and Pensions, and Other Urgent Needs for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1991 |
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14072 H.rp.10
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1991 |
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14072 H.rp.11
Waiving certain points of order against consideration of H.R. 1281 |
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