Call Number (LC) Title Results
14077 H.rp.171/1 Intermodal Surface Transportation Infrastructure Act of 1991 1
14077 H.rp.171/2 Intermodal Surface Transportation Infrastructure Act of 1991 1
14077 H.rp.172 Providing for the consideration of House Joint Resolution 313 1
14077 H.rp.173/1 Milk Inventory Management Act of 1991 1
14077 H.rp.173/2 Milk Inventory Management Act 1
14077 H.rp.173/3 Milk Inventory Management Act of 1991 1
14077 H.rp.174/1 Social Security Protection Act of 1991 1
14077 H.rp.175 Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991 1
14078 H.rp.176 Making Appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1992 1
14078 H.rp.177 Making Appropriations for Energy and Water Development for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1992 1
14078 H.rp.178 Women's Business Development Act of 1991 1
14078 H.rp.179/1 Memorial To Honor Members of the Armed Forces Who Served in World War II 1
14078 H.rp.180 Report on the revised subdivision of budget totals for FY92 1
14078 H.rp.181 Making Appropriations for the Government of D.C. and Other Activities Chargeable in Whole or in Part Against the Revenues of Said District for the Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1992 1
14078 H.rp.182/1 Repeal of Recreational Boat User Fee 1
14078 H.rp.182/2 Recreational Boat User Fee Relief Act 1
14078 H.rp.183 Providing for the consideration of a bill relating to unemployment compensation 1
14078 H.rp.184 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991 1
14078 H.rp.185 Unemployment Insurance Reform Act of 1991 1
14078 H.rp.186 Defense Production Act Extension and Amendments of 1991 1