Call Number (LC) Title Results
14114 H.doc.337 Flood Protection Along Carneros Creek, California, Communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) 1
14114 H.doc.338 Declaration of a National Emergency with Respect to Serbia and Montenegro, Communication from the President 1
14114 H.doc.339 Waiving Certain Emigration Practices with Respect to China, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.340 Waiving Certain Emigration Practices with Respect to Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.341 Extension of Waiver Authority, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.342 Deferral of Budget Authority, Communication from the Comptroller General 1
14114 H.doc.343 Continuation of Export Regulations, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.344 Cumulative Report on Rescissions and Deferrals, June 1, 1992, Communication from the Director, the Office of Management and Budget 1
14114 H.doc.345 Termination of Duty-Free Access to the U.S. Market, Communication from the President 1
14114 H.doc.346 Extending Nondiscriminatory Treatment to the Products of Albania, Communication from the President 1
14114 H.doc.347 Extending Nondiscriminatory Treatment to the Products of Romania, Communication from the President 1
14114 H.doc.348 Governing International Fishery Agreement Between the U.S. and the Republic of Estonia, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.349 Veto of H.R. 2507, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.350 Proposed Legislation "Credit Availability and Regulatory Relief Act of 1992," Message from the President. 1
14114 H.doc.351 Proposed Legislation Federal Grants for State and Local "GI Bills" for Children, Message from the President. 1
14114 H.doc.352 Revised Deferrals, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.353 Proposed Agreement Between the U.S. and Indonesia, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.354 Activities To Prevent Nuclear Proliferation, Message from the President 1
14114 H.doc.355 Proposed Legislation "The Health Care Liability Reform and Quality of Care Improvement Act of 1992," Message from the President. 1
14114 H.doc.356 Designation of Colombia As a Beneficiary, Communication from the President 1