Call Number (LC) Title Results
14165 S.rp.204 Arson Prevention Act of 1993 1
14165 S.rp.205 Establishing Self-Governance 1
14165 S.rp.206 Red River Designation Act of 1993 1
14165 S.rp.207 Providing for a National Native American Veterans' Memorial 1
14165 S.rp.208 High-Speed Ground Transportation Development Act of 1993 1
14165 S.rp.209 Consumer Reporting Reform Act of 1994 1
14165 S.rp.210 Authorizing the Air Force Memorial Foundation To Establish a Memorial 1
14165 S.rp.211 Corinth, Mississippi, Battlefield Act of 1993 1
14165 S.rp.212 Authorizing Appropriations for the Coastal Heritage Trail Route, New Jersey 1
14165 S.rp.213 Lechuguilla Cave Protection Act of 1993 1
14165 S.rp.214 Maurice River Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 1
14166 S.rp.215/1 Organization of the Congress Final Report of the Senate Members of the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress 1
14166 S.rp.215/2 Organization of the Congress Final Report of the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress 1
14167 S.rp.216 Campaign Advertising and Disclosure Act of 1993 1
14167 S.rp.217 Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1993 1
14167 S.rp.218 Sea of Okhotsk Fisheries Enforcement Act of 1993 1
14167 S.rp.219 Marine Biotechnology Investment Act of 1993 1
14168 Exec.Rpt.1 Consideration of Hon. Les Aspin To Be Secretary of Defense 1
14168 Exec.Rpt.2 Consideration of William J. Perry To Be Deputy Secretary of Defense 1
14168 Exec.Rpt.3 Consideration of Ambassador Frank G. Wisner To Be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy 1