Call Number (LC) Title Results
14221 S.rp.222 Antarctic Scientific Research, Tourism, and Marine Resources Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.223 Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.224 Amending the Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act of 1989 1
14221 S.rp.225 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Improvement Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.226 National Park Service Concessions Policy Reform Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.227 Report on Legislative Activities of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources 1
14221 S.rp.228 Clear Creek County, Colorado, Public Lands Transfer Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.229 Fresh Cut Flowers and Fresh Cut Greens Promotion and Information Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.230 Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Expansion and Fossil Forest Protection Act 1
14221 S.rp.231 Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act 1
14221 S.rp.232 Court of Veterans Appeals Improvement Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.233 Organ Transplant Program Reauthorization Act of 1993 1
14221 S.rp.234 Technology for Education Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.235 Fair Trade in Financial Services Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.236 Readjustment Counseling Service Amendments of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.237 Amending Title 38, U.S. Code, To Require the Establishment in the Department of Veterans Affairs of Mental Illness Research Education, and Clinical Centers 1
14221 S.rp.238 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, FY95 1
14221 S.rp.239 Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.240 Interstate Banking and Branching Act of 1994 1
14221 S.rp.241 Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 1