Call Number (LC) Title Results
14371 H.rp.567 Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail 1
14371 H.rp.568 Carbon Hill National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act 1
14371 H.rp.569 Bankruptcy Judgeship Act of 1995 1
14371 H.rp.570 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3230, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY97 1
14371 H.rp.571 Revision of Veterans Benefits Decisions Based on Clear and Unmistakable Error 1
14371 H.rp.572 Veterans' Benefits Amendments of 1996 1
14371 H.rp.573 Technical Amendments To Improve the U.S. Code 1
14371 H.rp.574 Authorization of Major Medical Facility Projects and Major Medical Facility Leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for FY97 1
14371 H.rp.575 Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, FY97 1
14371 H.rp.576/1 Repeal of 4.3-Cent Increase in Transportation Fuels Taxes 1
14371 H.rp.577 Providing for the consideration of the Concurrent Resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 178, the Budget Resolution for FY97 1
14371 H.rp.578/1 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY97 1
14371 H.rp.579 Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Eminent Domain Prevention Act 1
14371 H.rp.580 Providing for consideration of H.R. 3415, Repeal of 4.3-Cent Increase in Transportation Fuels Taxes 1
14371 H.rp.581 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3259, the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY97 1
14371 H.rp.582 Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3144, the Defend America Act of 1996 1
14371 H.rp.583/1 Defend America Act of 1996 1
14371 H.rp.584 Prairie Island Indian Community 1
14371 H.rp.585 Use of Employer Vehicles 1
14371 H.rp.586 Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 1