14783 H.rp.546
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Section 911 Internet Pharmacies) |
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14783 H.rp.547
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Section 903 Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments) |
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14783 H.rp.548
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Section 942 Health Professions Programs Regarding Practice of Pharmacy) |
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14783 H.rp.549/1
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Title V Provisions Relating to Part B) |
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14783 H.rp.550/1
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Title II & Title IV Medicare+Choice Revitalization and Competition Program; Provisions Relating to Part A) |
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14783 H.rp.551/1
Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 (Title I Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit) |
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14783 H.rp.552
Waiving a Requirement of Clause 6( a ) of Rule XIII with Respect to the Same Day Consideration of Certain Resolutions Reported by the Rules Committee |
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14783 H.rp.553
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4954, Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002 |
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14783 H.rp.554
Amendments to the Central Utah Project Completion Act |
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14783 H.rp.555/1
Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act |
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14783 H.rp.556
Calling for the Full Appropriation of State and Tribal Shares of Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund |
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14783 H.rp.557
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4635, Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act |
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14783 H.rp.558
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 2486, Inland Flood Forecasting and Warning System Act of 2002 |
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14783 H.rp.559
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 2733, Enterprise Integration Act of 2002 |
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14783 H.rp.560
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4687, National Construction Safety Team Act |
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14783 H.rp.561
Mount Naomi Wilderness Boundary Adjustment Act |
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14783 H.rp.562
Susquehanna National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act |
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14783 H.rp.563
Reasonable Right-of-Way Fees Act of 2002 |
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14783 H.rp.564
Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2003 |
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14783 H.rp.565/1
Recognizing and Honoring the American Zoo and Aquarium Association and Its Member Institutions |
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