Call Number (LC) Title Results
150 P641 Attention / 1
150 P697 The psychology of thought and feeling : a conservative interpretation of results in modern psychology / 1
150 P752a Applied psychology, its principles and methods / 1
150 P982 Human motives / 1
150 P9941 The science of human nature : a psychology for beginners / 1
150 P995 A laboratory manual in the psychology of learning / 1
150 P996 Nature and development of learning capacity / 1
150 Q39 La curiosité : étude de psychologie appliquée. 1
150 R128 Modern psychologies and education / 1
150 R218 Leçons de psychologie avec des applications a l'éducation et accompagnées de résumés, de sujets de devoirs et de plans de développements par É. Rayot. 1
150 R26a Lehrbuch der allgemeinen psychologie / 1
150 R329p Psychology and personality development / 1
150 R35 English psychology / 1
150 R352 Die experimentelle Psychologie der Gegenwart in Deutschland. 1
150 R353 German psychology of to-day : the empirical school / 1
150 R39 Essai de psychologie générale / 1
150 R511n The natural history of mind. 1
150 R532 Psychology : with chapters on character analysis and mental measurement / 1
150 R5631 Practical psychology : human nature in everyday life / 1
150 R5632 Man as psychology sees him. 1