Call Number (LC) Title Results
172.4 St28 International arbitration : winning essay in the fourth Pugsley Prize Contest, under the auspices of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration 1911-1912 / 1
172.4 St32v Vital peace : a study of risks / 1
172.4 Su66d The duel between France and Germany / 1
172.4 Sw65 The study of war : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 23 February 1926 / 1
172.4 Sch26g Der genius des krieges und der deutsche krieg / 1
172.4 Sch59u Über Krieg und Frieden. 1
172.4 T12 The United States and peace / 1
172.4 T121 World peace : a written debate between William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan. 1
172.4 T142e Essential conditions of peace / 1
172.4 T212 A conclusive peace : presenting the historically logical, and a feasible, plan of action for the coming peace conference, which will co-ordinate and harmonize Europe and the world / 1
172.4 T565 International arbitration amongst the Greeks / 1
172.4 T76 The federation of the world / 1
172.4 Un2 Union interparlementaire pour l'arbitrage international. : Session de 1904, compte rendu de la XII conference tenue a Saint Louis, Missouri du 12 au 14 Septembre 1904. 1
172.4 Un321w Women's share in implementing the peace : United Women's Conference, San Francisco, May 19, 1945. 1
172.4 Un33 Official report of the ... Universal Peace Congress. 1
172.4 W24 The ethics of force / 1
172.4 W429w Who is peaceful? : Suggestions for a human philosophy of peace. 1
172.4 W52 Prize orations of the Intercollegiate peace association / 1
172.4 W86 Is war diminishing? : A study of the prevalence of war in Europe from 1450 to the present day / 1
172.4 W89 World Peace Foundation pamphlets.
A League of Nations.