Call Number (LC) Title Results
1810-20-2 [Suspension of prohibition of trade with France] 1
1810-20-3 [Authorization for Department of Treasury to borrow money from Bank of U.S.] 1
1810-21-1 To Mr. Gallatin 1
1810-29-1 Treaty between the USA and the tribes of Indians called the Delawares, Putawatimies, Miamies and Eel River Miamies. Sept. 30, 1809 1
1810-29-2 Separate article of treaty between USA and the Miami and Eel River tribes of Indians. Sept. 30, 1809 1
1810-29-3 Convention with the Indian tribes northwest of the Ohio and Wea tribes. Oct. 26, 1809 1
1810-29-4 Treaty between the USA and Kickapoo tribe of Indians. Dec. 9, 1809 1
1810-44-1 [Remission of fine for assault and battery John Edwards] 1
1810-44-2 [Pardon of Thomas McPherson for horse stealing] 1
1810-44-3 [Remission of fine for felony William Collins] 1
1810-44-4 [Remission of fine for assault and battery John Bladen] 1
1810-44-5 [Pardon of unnamed soldiers for desertion] 1
1810-44-6 [Pardon of Ka Ka Yi Chi (alias Little Crow) for murder] 1
1810-44-7 [Pardon and release of ship "Virginia" for slave importation] 1
1810-44-8 [Pardon of William Sathram for promoting prostitution] 1
1810-44-9 [Remission of penalty for revenue laws violation Benjamin Smith] 1
1810-44-10 [Pardon of Phineas Varney for embargo laws violation] 1
1810-44-11 [Pardon of John Dayton for embargo laws violation] 1
1810-44-12 [Pardon of Hlechetublich and Jim (Choctaw Indians) for murder] 1
1810-44-13 [Remission of fine for assault and battery John Free] 1