Call Number (LC) Title Results
1819-44-43 [Pardon of Burton W. Abbott for neglecting the mail] 1
1819-44-44 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Isaac Cadwill] 1
1819-44-45 [Remission of fine for using stills without a license Philip Parrot]. 1
1819-44-46 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Noel Blanche] 1
1819-44-47 [Remission of fine for using a still and selling liquor without a license James Meadows] 1
1819-44-48 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Salva Stone] 1
1819-44-49 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Willet Coles] 1
1819-44-50 [Remission of fine for using a still without a license Abraham Hamilton] 1
1819-44-51 [Remission of fine for using a still without a license Daniel Teeter] 1
1819-44-52 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Isaac Green] 1
1819-44-53 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness John Malgrath] 1
1819-44-54 [Remission of imprisonment for indebtedness Peter W. Teller] 1
1819-44-55 [Pardon of Samuel Sharkman for violation of the non-importation laws] 1
1819-44-56 [Pardon of Thomas Bryant for attempting to make a mutinous assembly] 1
1819-52-1 [Approval of the sale of the Indian Trading House at Fort Mitchell, Alabama Territory. Includes supporting correspondence] 1
1819-52-2 [Reservation of Alabama Territory lands for a townsite] 1
1819-52-3 [Reservation of land near Fort Jackson from land sales at Cahaba, Alabama Territory] 1
1819-52-4 [Approval of purchase of presents for Indians in Arkansas Territory] 1
1819-52-5 [Authorizes the shipment of arms to General Miller for the Arkansas Territory Militia] 1
1819-52-6 [Suspension of issue of patents for Arkansas military bounties. Announcement of public land sales at Franklin and St. Louis, Missouri] 1