Call Number (LC) Title Results
1833-29-12 Treaty with the Menominee Nation. Oct. 27, 1832 1
1833-29-13 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Piankeshaw and Wea tribes of Indians. Oct. 29, 1832 1
1833-29-14 Articles of agreement between the USA and the United Nation of the Senecas and Shawnee Indians. Dec. 29, 1832 1
1833-29-15 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Band of Ottawa Indians, residing on the Indian Reserves, on the Miami of Lake Erie. Feb. 18, 1833 1
1833-29-16 [Proclamation of convention between Kingdom of Two Sicilies and U.S. for termination of reparations paid by Sicily for damages inflicted upon U.S. commerce] 1
1833-34-1 [Announcing land sales at the Bucyrus and Wapaukonneta Land Offices, Ohio] 1
1833-34-2 [Announcing land sales at the Batesville, Little Rock, and Washington Land Offices, Arkansas] 1
1833-34-3 [Announcing land sale at the White Pigeon Prairie Land Office, Michigan] 1
1833-34-4 [Announces public land sale of ceded Choctaw Nation Indian lands to be held at designated land offices in Mississippi] 1
1833-36-1 [Public land sales at Chocchuma, Columbus, Augusta, and Mount Salus Land Offices, Mississippi] 1
1833-36-5 [Public land sales at Montevallo and Montgomery Land Offices, Alabama] 1
1833-36-6 [Notice of removal of Montevallo Land Office to Mardisville, Alabama] 1
1833-41-1 [Florida Withdrawal of Fifth Live Oak District lands for Navy timber supply] 1
1833-44-1 [Remission of penalty for copyright laws violation William S. Wait] 1
1833-44-2 [Remission of penalty for passenger ship regulations violation William H. Wall] 1
1833-44-3 [Pardon of James Williams for larceny] 1
1833-44-4 [Remission of forfeiture and penalty for passenger ship regulations violation by the ship "Jaffraw Jeannette"] 1
1833-44-5 [Remission of fine for assault and battery Joseph Goddard] 1
1833-44-6 [Pardon for Thomas Underwood] 1
1833-44-7 [Remission of forfeiture and penalty for passenger ship regulations violations the ship "Louisa Barbara"] 1