Call Number (LC) Title Results
1833-12-5 [Dismissal of charges against Mr. Scovell, Customs Collector] 1
1833-12-6 [Approval of customs house construction in Port of New York] 1
1833-12-7 through 12-8 [Approval of customs house land purchase] 1
1833-12-8 [Approval of customs house land purchase] 1
1833-12-9 [Grant of land to Arkansas Territory] 1
1833-17-1 [Directive to deposit Government revenues in designated State banks instead of Bank of U.S.] 1
1833-21-1 [Draft policy statement on discontinuance of Federal deposits in Bank of U.S.] 1
1833-21-2 [Dismissal of Secretary of Treasury W. J. Duane from office] 1
1833-21-3 [Instructions to Col. Anthony Butler for commerce and boundary negotiations with Mexico] 1
1833-29-1 Treaty with Russia [commerce and navigation]. Dec. 6/18, 1832 1
1833-29-2 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Winnebago Nation of Indians. Sept. 15, 1832 1
1833-29-3 Articles of a treaty of peace, friendship, and cession between the USA and the confederated tribes of Sac and Fox Indians. Sept. 21, 1832 1
1833-29-4 Treaty with the Appalachicola Band. Oct. 11, 1832 1
1833-29-5 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Potowatamie Tribe of Indians of the Prairie and Kaukakee. Oct. 20, 1832 1
1833-29-6 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Chickasaw Nation. Oct. 20, 1832 1
1833-29-7 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Kickapoo tribe of Indians. Oct. 24, 1832 1
1833-29-8 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Pottawatamie Indians. Oct. 26, 1832 1
1833-29-9 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Shawnaoes and Delawares. Oct. 26, 1832 1
1833-29-10 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Potowatomies of Indiana and Michigan Territory. Oct. 27, 1832 1
1833-29-11 Articles of a treaty between the USA and the Kaskaskias and Peoria tribes of Indians. Oct. 27, 1833 1